Your CV Is An Application Form

Edit my CV -’s a fact that shocks some jobseekers: you should change your CV to suit every single job that you apply for.

In a tough jobs-market, applications will be weeded out ruthlessly and guided straight into the shredder.

Put yourself in their shoes: imagine you are a manager that has advertised a position at your firm. You have had all the responses you need and now you have to sift through thirty CVs. Some of the CVs are three pages long.

Ask yourself, how much time would you give each CV? What signs would you look for that the applicant had gone the extra mile to catch your eye?

It’s simple: those that have put very little effort into targeting the CV will stand out very quickly.

Your CV is an application for and you should treat is as such. A well-written, finely-honed application form can take a full day to prepare and write. So why is it that people send the same generic CV to every job that they apply for?

Take time to hand-craft your CV: go over the person specification and the job description. Right there – in black and white – the employer is telling you exactly who they have in mind for the job. You can also check the company’s website: perhaps they have an overall ethos that you could try to tap into. Perhaps there is a mission statement that will tell you the crucial information you need to catch the eye of the recruiter.

The mould is there for you to fit; they are giving it to you on a plate! Stop missing the signals!

Look at your CV. Now, look at the job and and person specification. If your CV doesn’t fit their requirements, don’t waste your time or theirs by applying. Or you could just fix your CV so that you do fit their requirements. Give them what they want and secure that job interview before someone that can be bothered does it before you. Jobs don’t grow on trees: get out there and fight for them.

If you are aware that job seekers – on the whole – are sending out bland CVs to each and every job that they apply for  then this knowledge is your strength. Know that a fine-tuned CV targeted at the right moment will secure that job interview and if they call you for interview they like you. Your foot’s in the door and it’s then time to seal the deal. Read more about preparing for a job interview and make sure you get the next stage in this process perfect.




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