Tag Archives | How To Write A CV

Gaps Of Employment CV

Gaps of Employment on Your CV

Our life stories are as unique as ourselves. Our CVs tell the story of our lives: who we’ve hung around with, where we studied, when we left school, oor strengths and tastes and a great deal more. Inevitably, we will have gaps on our CV. Most people have had a period of unemployment; it’s an inevitability of […]

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religion on a CV - jobfox.co.uk

Top 5 Reasons Your CV Is Useless!

Your primary goal with your CV is to ensure that every tiny detail of it is geared with the employer in mind. You haven’t written the CV for you. Everything from your employment history to your skills profile will be fine tuned to ensure that each and every word should catch the eye of the […]

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CV Formats

Build a Pretty CV!

So there you have it. You have agonised over the wording of your CV; battled to dream up fabulous words that describe your eagerness to please the recruiter. You have crafted a Skills Profile with Power Words that describe your high level of employability with the skills of a CV Ninja. You have melted your […]

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CV Skills Profile - jobfox.co.uk

The Proven Way To Secure A Job Interview

Regardless of whether your CV is one page or two pages long (if it is more than two pages then your CV is  too long!) the main skills and qualities you possess that you want to impart to the recruiter should fall into the first few sections of your CV. (If you do not have a CV yet […]

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Edit my CV - jobfox.co.uk

Your CV Is An Application Form

It’s a fact that shocks some jobseekers: you should change your CV to suit every single job that you apply for. In a tough jobs-market, applications will be weeded out ruthlessly and guided straight into the shredder. Put yourself in their shoes: imagine you are a manager that has advertised a position at your firm. […]

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CV Power Words

CV Power Words

As you browse through the CV templates you have pulled in from the internet and pore over cover letter examples there is one  thing that you’re going to have to be clear on: the language you use. Many people pull their hair out with this. Simply starting a CV can feel nightmarish. Of course, someone is […]

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