CV Power Words

CV Power Words

The language used on your CV should scream for attention from recruiters! Use Power Words.

As you browse through the CV templates you have pulled in from the internet and pore over cover letter examples there is one  thing that you’re going to have to be clear on: the language you use.

Many people pull their hair out with this. Simply starting a CV can feel nightmarish. Of course, someone is going to be on the receiving end of your CV; they will be reading it and trying to learn something about you from the tone of the CV; the language you have used. They will notice grammar and spelling errors so it’s important to pore over your CV before you let that baby loose onto the world.

The language you use needs to be positive, pack a punch and you can achieve this by using Power Words.

Power Words in a CV give you the ability to hold the reader’s attention. If we assume that the person reading your CV has the power to hire and fire then we would want to impress them from the outset. If that same person is sat at their desk rolling their eyes at the same tired old phrases in their applicants’ CVs then we want your CV to send sparks flying out from their brain. Only Power Words can do this.

Read through this list of power words and then revisit your CV. Ask yourself if the language you have used in your CV lacks backbone. You will be looking for strong, positive words that communicate an active, solution-focused individual. Do some research and dig-up some Power Words of your own! If you need suport with you CV visit our Free CV Template Zone for some inspiration.

Power Words For your CV

  • Accomplished
  • Achieved
  • Actively sought…
  • Allocated
  • Analysed/evaluated
  • Attended
  • Bolstered
  • Broadened
  • Committed to…
  • Confident…
  • Contributed
  • Coordinated
  • Dealt with…
  • Dedicated
  • Delegated
  • Delivered
  • Delivered
  • Engaged
  • Enlisted
  • Enthusiastic user of…
  • Established
  • Established/created/designed…
  • Facilitated
  • Formulated
  • Generated
  • Guaranteed
  • Handled
  • Honed
  • Implemented
  • Initiated
  • Managed
  • Mentored
  • Negotiated
  • Presented
  • Projected
  • Promoted
  • Provided
  • Refocused
  • Reinforced
  • Represented
  • Saved
  • Scheduled
  • Screened
  • Secured
  • Segmented
  • Simplified
  • Skilled
  • Streamlined
  • Strengthened
  • Supported
  • Sustained
  • Targeted
  • Taught
  • Tested
  • Thorough
  • Trained
  • Transcended
  • Transformed
  • Uncovered
  • Underlined
  • Underscored
  • Undertook
  • Unearthed
  • Unified
  • Updated
  • Upgraded
  • Upheld
  • Urged
  • Used
  • Utilised
  • Verified


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