Why Don’t I Hear Back From Employers?

Contact Employers - jobfox.co.ukOne of the things we hear people say the most here in the JobFox UK den is “I’ve applied for so many jobs – I NEVER hear back.”

It’s likely that your CV has gone into the Black Hole.

We’ve seen many CVs. Most of them – unfortunately – suffer from the same dull, bland content that recruiters hate.

Those who struggle with what to include in a CV will more than likely flounder when it comes to writing dazzling content aimed at grabbing the attention of the recruiter.

This is where the Black Hole comes in: the Black Hole is where your CV goes when it’s not a very good CV. It’s sucked in there with all of the other bland CVs and is never seen again. Let’s cut to the chase – the Black Hole is the shredder that your poorly thought out CV goes into every time you send it. It’s not placed into a gold frame; it’s dumped.

Stop whining about not hearing back from employers and start to get to the bottom of why your CV is ineffective.

There will be two main reasons why your are not being shortlisted for interview:

  • Your CV is not targeted to the job role. You have target your CV to each and every job you apply to. If you do not know how to do this, read our article on how to write a targeted CV.
  • Your CV is dull, bland and unimaginative and you’re turning employers off.

Either way, if you’re not hearing back then your CV isn’t doing the job it is designed to do.

If it’s broke, fix it!

It’s clearly time for a CV makeover: because you’re worth it.


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