Tag Archives | Jobsearch

Contact Employers - jobfox.co.uk

Why Don’t I Hear Back From Employers?

One of the things we hear people say the most here in the JobFox UK den is “I’ve applied for so many jobs – I NEVER hear back.” It’s likely that your CV has gone into the Black Hole. We’ve seen many CVs. Most of them – unfortunately – suffer from the same dull, bland […]

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CV Power Words

Be Creative: The Key to a Winning CV

Dull, bland and unimaginative language on a CV is every recruiter’s bugbear. Imagine you’re an employer; you have advertised a vacancy and – with high hopes of hearing from dynamic and keen individuals – you begin to receive a stack of CVs on the email and in the post. You receive thirty five CVs in […]

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Sincerely or Faithfully - Covering Letter - jobfox.co.uk

Sincerely or Faithfully?

If you know the name of the person you’re writing  to (‘Dear Jane…’) use sincerely. If you don’t know the name of the name of the person you’re addressing then you should use faithfully. Emails tend me be less formal than traditional letters so you could always keep it simple and use regards/kind regards.   […]

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Waiting For a Job Interview

Don’t Just Sit There!

You can be kept waiting for interview for a while, especially when the interviewer is running behind schedule after a long day of meeting candidates. I have had the unfortunate experience of this. My interview was the final scheduled appointment of the day and, running late, my slot had drifted twenty minutes. Of course, I […]

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iPhone, Android and its impact on jobsearch

Steve Jobs and His Immeasurable Impact

With the passing of Steve Jobs it is impossible to measure Jobs’ contribution to modern life. There are detractors that push Jobs’ damage to competition (compare Apple’s closed software ecosystem to Android’s open platform). Nonethless – to paraphrase President Obama – a vast amount of people found out about Steve Jobs’ death on devices that […]

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