Get Recruiters Working For You

Recruitment Consultants - Your CVRecruiters are busy people. Essentially, they’re sales staff and they have to juggle a lot priorities at once: the vacancy, the client, the candidate and often the three things can pull in different directions. So if you speak to recruiters and don’t feel like you’re their priority remember that they’re usually thinking of the bigger picture. But how can you ensure that recruitment consultants keep you in mind?

Two things are crucial to recruitment consultants: keywords and job titles. The first thing to say is that whenever you start your job search you need to ensure that your CV is keyword rich. This is to not just a nod to the technology needed in the modern job-hunt but also for human-readers too. If recruiters can’t recognise your valuable experience in the workplace through carefully chosen industry-specific language then you will be left out in the cold very quickly. And so it is with recruitment consultants. If you need a refresher on this then you need to read our guide to writing a keyword rich CV so that you can get on top.

If you think about it for a moment, recruitment consultants deal with a giddying amount of candidates for all of the jobs that they recruit for. So ask yourself: how do they remember everyone? They don’t. Your CV is saved to their system and you end up on a database with a handful of industry keywords logged against your name.

So that’s the trick. Help the recruiter to classify you against current and potential vacancies by ensuring that you have done all the hard work on your CV. Remember: industry specific keywords and – let’s not forget – the correct job titles should all be enshrined in your CV for the recruiter to recognise your industry and job-target.


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